Friday, February 08, 2008

February Writing News

Hello friends,

I went on a retreat over New Year's and part of it was a New Year's Eve ritual where we put our intentions for the year out in front of the group. One of mine was to get me creativity out in public more in 2008. Only early February now, but some of this has already come to pass- watch out when you put an intention out there to the universe in front of everybody!

Exhibit I: On January 27th, Carson Larson Gets the Picture, a film that I was a writer on (and did production work on and even briefly acted in) screened at the Victoria Theatre. And won the audience vote for best picture in our round, which means our team gets funding for our next production! And won best writing, which especially warmed my heart. If you want to check it out, you can see it here, it's the one for Team 12 and runs about 14 minutes:

Exhibit II: Red Pulp Underground, an online journal that published a poem of mine last fall, is putting out an anthology. Like a real live, in-print anthology. And including my poem in it! It's coming out in May, and if you buy a copy I promise I'll sign it. You can read some more about it here:

There is no Exhibit III regarding my novel (yet), but my agent has inquiries out to eight publishers, and is preparing them for several more. So let's keep our fingers crossed…

And you can always catch up with my blog on MySpace, Blogspot or Live Journal:

Hope you all are well, and I'll see you in March.

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